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Sheen Lab
Our laboratory is interested in elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying signal transduction pathways that mediate plant responses to central regulators, such as glucose, energy, stress, microbial elicitors, and hormones. A combination of molecular, cellular, genetic, genomic, and biochemical tools have been developed to dissect signaling cascades from receptors/sensors to transcription factors in Arabidopsis and maize.
Our current efforts focus on integrating diverse regulatory cascades into the signaling networks that control glucose and energy signaling, stress responses, innate immunity, hormone signaling and stem cell specification in plants.
Sheen Lab Team
Office Address:
Department of Molecular Biology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Simches Research Center, CPZN 7624E
185 Cambridge Street
Boston, MA 02114
Place of Birth: Tainai, Taiwan
1980 B.S. National Taiwan University, Botany
1986 Ph.D. Harvard University, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Academic Appointments:
1987-1999 Lecturer on Genetics, Harvard Medical School
1999-2004 Associate Professor in Genetics, Harvard Medical School
2005-present Professor in Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Hospital Appointments:
1987-1991 Departmental Fellow in Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital
1991-1999 Assistant in Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital
1999-2004 Associate Molecular Biologist, Massachusetts General Hospital
2005- present Molecular Biologist, Massachusetts General Hospital
Sheen Lab Resources

Electronic journals
Annual Review of Cell & Dev. Biol.
Annual Review of Plant Physiology/Plant Mol. Biology
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants
Current Opinions in Plant Biology

Useful Bioinformatics Tools Online
SMART – Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool
ExPASy Molecular Biology Server
Network Protein Sequence Analysis
Promoter Analysis and Search Tools: How to Identify New & Important Cis-Elements
T-DNA resources
Knockout At number and BLAST Search
Salk Institute Genome Analysis Laboratory
Wisconsin Arabidopsis Knockout Facility
Tools for Cloning
Motif recognition and prediction tools
MOTIF Searching Protein and Nucleic Acid Sequence Motifs
TFSEARCH Searching Transcription Factor Binding Sites
TRANSFAC – The Transcription Factor Database
The Gibbs Motif Sampler Homepage
Prediction of Protein Structure from Sequence
HMMTOP – Prediction of transmembrane helices and topology of proteins
PredictProtein – Prediction of transmembrane helix location and topology
SOSUI – Prediction of transmembrane regions
TMHMM – Prediction of transmembrane helices in proteins
TopPred 2 – Topology prediction of membrane proteins
PhdThreader – (fold recognition by prediction-based threading)
Protein structural analysis, BMERC
Submission form for protein domain and foldclass prediction
NNSSP (prediction of protein secondary sturcture by nearest-neighbor algorithms)
SSPRED (secondary structure prediction with multiple alignment)
SSCP (secondary structure prediction content with amino acid composition)
SOPM (Self Optimized Prediction Method) at IBCP, France.
MultPredict (predict secondary structure based on multiple sequence alignment)
TMAP (service predicting transmembrane segments in proteins)
TMpred (prediction of transmembrane regions and orientation)
COILS (prediction of coiled coil regions in proteins)
PREDATOR (protein secondary structure prediction from single sequence)
DAS (Dense Alignment Surface; prediction of transmembrane regions in proteins)
Plant Comparative Genomics
Resource for Plant Comparative Genomics

Microarray Resources
Arabidopsis Functional Genomics Consortium
Microarray Gene Expression Data Society – MGED Society
Minimum information about a microarray experiment – MIAME
BASE – BioArray Software Environment
Large-Scale Analysis of the Arabidopsis Microarray Data at TAIR
TIGR Microarray Software Suite
Expression Profiler at the EBI
Cluster Analysis and Visualization