Publications for All Faculty
An affinity-based scoring scheme for predicting DNA-binding activities of modularly assembled zinc-finger proteins.
Identification of a molecular signaling network that regulates a cellular necrotic cell death pathway.
Microsporidia are natural intracellular parasites of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
Genome-wide transcriptome analysis of 150 cell samples.
Impact of oxandrolone treatment on acute outcomes after severe burn injury.
Deficiency of mannose-binding lectin greatly increases antibody response in a mouse model of vaccination.
Role for beta-catenin and HOX transcription factors in Caenorhabditis elegans and mammalian host epithelial-pathogen interactions.
Fat metabolism links germline stem cells and longevity in C. elegans.
ABCA12 maintains the epidermal lipid permeability barrier by facilitating formation of ceramide linoleic esters.
Loss of SR-A and CD36 activity reduces atherosclerotic lesion complexity without abrogating foam cell formation in hyperlipidemic mice.
Sugar sensing and signaling.
The most conserved genome segments for life detection on Earth and other planets.
Impaired autophagy of an intracellular pathogen induced by a Crohn's disease associated ATG16L1 variant.
A key role for autophagy and the autophagy gene Atg16l1 in mouse and human intestinal Paneth cells.
The perfect storm of tiny RNAs.
A microfluidics approach for the isolation of nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs) from the peripheral blood of pregnant women.
Selection of cyclic peptide aptamers to HCV IRES RNA using mRNA display.
Temporal cytokine profiles in severely burned patients: a comparison of adults and children.
Zinc Finger Database (ZiFDB): a repository for information on C2H2 zinc fingers and engineered zinc-finger arrays.
The AtrbohD-mediated oxidative burst elicited by oligogalacturonides in Arabidopsis is dispensable for the activation of defense responses effective against Botrytis cinerea.
Myelinated, synapsing cultures of murine spinal cord--validation as an in vitro model of the central nervous system.
Trans-splicing in C. elegans generates the negative RNAi regulator ERI-6/7.
Thermostability of model protocell membranes.
Deletion polymorphism upstream of IRGM associated with altered IRGM expression and Crohn's disease.
Targeting innate immunity for CV benefit