Publications for All Faculty
Large phenotypic enhancement of structured random RNA pools.
Hybridization-based capture of pathogen mRNA enables paired host-pathogen transcriptional analysis.
Genome-wide comparisons of gene expression in adult versus elderly burn patients.
Comprehensive analysis of chromosomal mobile genetic elements in the gut microbiome reveals phylum-level niche-adaptive gene pools.
The Pseudomonas aeruginosa accessory genome elements influence virulence towards Caenorhabditis elegans.
Simultaneous detection of genotype and phenotype enables rapid and accurate antibiotic susceptibility determination.
A Twelve-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Four-Arm Dose-Finding Phase 2 Study Evaluating Bexagliflozin as a Monotherapy for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes.
A large-scale chemical-genetic strategy enables design of antimicrobial combination chemotherapy in Mycobacteria.
Non-enzymatic primer extension with strand displacement.
Associations between clinical characteristics and the development of multiple organ failure after severe burns in adult patients.
Lipid constituents of model protocell membranes.
Model-driven discovery of calcium-related protein-phosphatase inhibition in plant guard cell signaling.
Prebiotically Plausible 'Patching' of RNA Backbone Cleavage Through a 3'-5' Pyrophosphate Linkage.
A point of inflection and reflection on systems chemical biology.
ROS-based lethality of Caenorhabditis elegans mitochondrial electron transport mutants grown on Escherichia coli siderophore iron release mutants.
Transcriptional Atlas of Intestinal Immune Cells Reveals that Neuropeptide α-CGRP Modulates Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Responses.
CRISPR DNA base editors with reduced RNA off-target and self-editing activities.
Developing Effective Alzheimer's Disease Therapies: Clinical Experience and Future Directions.
Distinct Tissue-Specific Roles for the Disease-Associated Autophagy Genes ATG16L2 and ATG16L1.
DNA polymerase activity on synthetic N3'→P5' phosphoramidate DNA templates.
Use of narrative concepts in the EHR to validate genetic determinants of treatment response in a virtual inflammatory bowel disease cohort.
Cytokine release and gastrointestinal symptoms after gluten challenge in celiac disease.
UV photostability of three 2-aminoazoles with key roles in prebiotic chemistry on the early earth.
Therapeutic Opportunities in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Mechanistic Dissection of Host-Microbiome Relationships.
A selective membrane-targeting repurposed antibiotic with activity against persistent methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.